Good governance

Blog // Good governance

October 4th, 2016 | Good governance | By Costin Ciobanu

Economic nationalism à la roumaine or the inability to engage beyond catchphrases

As it happens, these days I am reading about the varieties of capitalism and the impact that the organisation of finance has on the ability of East Central European countries to converge with their Western European counterparts. In a book to be published next year, R. Epstein analyses five countries of our region and shows […]

September 15th, 2016 | Good governance | By Radu Magdin

Romania’s Political Autumn

Romania’s political landscape is growing increasingly hot, with mainstream politicians and parties resuming, after a relatively calm summer, stronger messaging as a prelude to December’s key parliamentary elections. This analysis aims to make a mapping of current key political and institutional players, look at the main trends in political messaging and strategy, and explore the […]

September 12th, 2016 | Good governance | By Denis Paul Kurunczi

The cyber road to a better life

Romania’s quest for a more connected government started a few years ago and underwent numerous of challenges. At first, building a more connected government and e-services for citizens and businesses was used as an excuse to continue the old practices of corruption and unsmart (to say the least) public spending. This was done under the […]

August 30th, 2016 | Good governance | By Michael Einik

US Elections 2016: All politics are local except when they are not – Part two – Hillary Clinton

If elected in November, Hillary Clinton will of course make history as the first woman US President. She will also be the seventh former Secretary of State to serve in that capacity, but the first in over 150 years. However, having more foreign affairs experience then virtually any other incumbent of the office does not […]

August 30th, 2016 | Good governance | By Michael Einik

US Elections 2016: All politics are local except when they are not – Part one – Donald Trump

While international issues are often a factor in US presidential elections they are never a deciding factor. This reality is striking in that the bipartisan strategy that served the US well though the second half of the 20th century has been regulated to the dustbin of history, and a national foreign policy debate has been […]

August 24th, 2016 | Good governance | By Michael Einik

What makes Trump run?

Much has been written trying to understand why Donald Trump embarked on his quest for the White House. There are the Trump as riding the tiger scenarios where he never expected to get this far and doesn’t know how to get off without getting eaten. There are the Trump as front man theories, whereby he […]

August 22nd, 2016 | Good governance | By Emma Manolache

The Sky News scandal: bad journalism or country slander?

The Ski News scandal, regarding gun trafficking from Romania, managed to question both the quality of independent journalism and the image of a country. Was it just a case of bad journalism? Investigations about gun trafficking for war zones and not only are very trendy, because they expose illicit practices which contribute to destabilizing certain […]

August 18th, 2016 | Good governance | By Claudiu Cretu

Turn strategies into visible actions!

The case for turning stories about desires into implemented, public strategies The world is changing every day! Human evolution could be observed through the complexity of ideas mankind came up with, the technology it has created, the economy and the new services it has built, and through so many more lenses. Sometimes change happens very […]

August 4th, 2016 | Good governance | By Clara Volintiru

Another reason for equal pay: Women are more honest on their taxes than men

On this Tax Day, there’s one more reason for governments to close the gap in wages and employment between women and men: Women are more likely than men to be honest on their taxes. When more women work and make as much as men, countries get more tax dollars. As part of our “Willing to […]

February 14th, 2016 | Good governance | By Juergen Braunstein, Clara Volintiru and Marion Laboure

Blockchain: Investment (R)Evolution For Developing Markets

Allegedly a revolution is taking place on Wall street and the City of London – a financial revolution. The true action might be taking place somewhere else. Predicting revolutions almost always goes wrong, partly at least. When Marx and Engels worked on the tenets of their manifesto, they predicted that the proletarian revolution and consequently […]

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The 2017 edition of the Strategikon Annual Book – The Year of Challenging Choices

The 2017 edition of the Strategikon Annual Book – The Year of Challenging Choices

It’s not easy to be a leader, but the solution is closer than people may think and it has to do with returning to some good old fashioned traits that shaped leaders in past decades: will power, values and vision. Launched at the Good Governance Summit, The Year of Challenging Choices strives to understand the fault lines in international relations and the relevant actors, as they are and not how they appear to be.

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