The Liberty, trust and security in the national and European cyber space report tackles in an interdisciplinary way the subject of public-private partnership in personal data management in the US, the EU, and Romania in the context of both the draft Cyber Law being currently discussed and the asymmetric threats and emerging risks on the national, European, Euro-Atlantic cyber infrastructure.
The report was drafted by Bebe-Viorel Ionica, Claudiu Saftoiu, Corneliu Visoianu, Denis Kurunczi, Filofteia Repez, Florin Necula, Gabriel Mihailescu, Madalina Neacsu, Mihai Popa, under the guidance of Eugen Valeriu Popa, Strategikon Vice-President.
Strategikon follows three important issues when talking about cyber regulations: what are the international trends and developments, what are the lessons to be learned, and what should policy makers keep in mind when drafting a cyber law.
Acording to the rapporteurs: “Sustainable security needs to be enshrined in national legislation, in such a manner, so as not to affect democracy and . At the same time, we need the cyber space to remain free and secure. As virtual terrorists misuse the liberty of the cyberspace to bring on its knees the liberty of the internet, nations and thousands of citizens using the internet, the need for cybersecurity is acute and the urgency of properly regulating the cyber space even more so.”